The word of the month for our martial arts students at Championship Martial Arts-Holland is RESPONSIBILITY and I bet it could look different to you then to maybe your younger or older siblings, your parents, or even your teachers. Responsibility simply means knowing that you control your own thoughts and actions. Now let’s break down how simple responsibility truly is. Don’t get me wrong, I did not say it was easy; just simple in what it involves.
In the martial arts, you are responsible for coming to class, doing your best, and practicing what you have learned everyday. As a student in school, you are responsible for going to school (in person or virtually), listening attentively, and doing the assigned homework the best you can and on time. At home, you are responsible for helping out around the house, being kind, and getting along with others.
A very important tip and something to try to live by is that you can not change the circumstance or the way other people act, but you can control your reaction, and be responsible for your actions. You are in control of your thoughts and no one else. There is a quote by Jim Rohn that sums it up very nicely, “You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.”
Now once you realize how powerful you are when you take responsibility for yourself; then the world around you is open to unlimited possibilities.